I want to write the perfect blog post, one that will inspire other mom's to think about their priorities and be grateful for the blessings that God has given to them. In the process of trying obtain perfect I did nothing, and wrote nothing. I haven't posted in a long time for many reasons. I could list a few that would make sense especially coming from a busy mom of five kids. Most of all I haven't written because of the fear of not being able to write the perfect article.
The need to obtain perfection to be accepted by others is something that I have struggled with my entire life. Though I grew up in a family that accepted me for who I was. I always had a hard time accepting who I was. For some reason if I could change who I was then maybe I could be accepted by others.
Even as an adult and mother of five children, I struggle with this. I feel the need to compare myself to others whether in real life or on social media. It seems that everyone else has a cleaner more organized house, has brand new furniture, cooks better and healthier meals, and of course looks perfectly put together all of the time. Obviously the grass is always greener on the other side.
I want to be an encouragement to others who are feeling the same way as myself because I know I am not the only one out there who has ever felt this way. The truth is there are plenty of other moms out there who seem to have it all together and might be more experienced and talented then myself in any number of areas. However, I am an expert with my own family. Though I haven't worked out all of the systems that I would like to have in place that might make life run a little smoother.
One thing that my own experience has taught me that routine is key to just about everything when it comes to being a mom. I know that I feel and function at my best when I stick with a routine, and that is the same with kids. I also know that motherhood comes with its own seasons and its best to work your routines around the season that you are in. For example, the routine of the mom of a newborn and a toddler is going to look very different than the that of a mom of teenagers.
It has been over a year since I last wrote anything for this blog. A lot has happened during that time that have challenged my confidence and a mom, and as a Christian. I want to try again to be an encouragement to others out there and to use this blog as a way to challenge myself to grow personally, and spiritually.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14 ( (NIV)

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