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Cuteness, Coffee, and Chaos

My youngest son is now four months old and has started sleeping through the night periodically. Since before he was born I have not been in a good routine due to lack of energy or wierd sleep schedule. It's very hard to get up at 5 in the morning when still having to get up at 3 am. Most days I hit the ground running and don't stop all day long. This would explain why some days I might not make it out of PJs until 2 pm. This is likely to happen if I can't somehow manage to wake up before the kids.   Look at that face. It's hard to believe that this little guy has turned our entire life on its head. Transitions with a new baby are hard, and can also be difficult for the siblings. My kiddos are no exception to that rule. I've tried to keep things as normal as possible, but the truth is things have changed in our household. I find myself relying on my older girls  (Ages 7, and 6) more, and have been giving them more responsibilities. My seven year old knows how to make...

The Mom I Want to Be

I went to a ladies brunch today at my church. The theme was about mothers. Someone read from Proverbs 31 and there were two ladies  that shared about how important a mom with a wonderful Christian example was in their lives. The first lady described how her mom (who raised her in NYC ) was a wonderful example in showing her how to live the Christian life in her priorities and attitudes. She was also a wonderful example of a mother and wife who is always present and willing to sacrifice for her kids and husband.  The other dear lady described being raised in the mountains of rural Georgia (with no electricity or indoor plumbing ) by her mother (who was illiterate) and father (a share cropper) as the oldest of nine children.  She described her mother as a quiet woman whom never complained, and who was always singing hymns. She said her favorite was Amazing Grace, and was constantly praying for her children. She was a living testimony of God's love for her family. The the...

Best Laid Plans

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